Monday, February 02, 2015

A New Year

Wow..I cannot believe it is 2015 already! I have dedicated this year to weight loss and getting in better shape to reduce my pain levels. I joined Weight Watchers in December of 2014 and to date I have lost 20 lbs. I have a lot more to go but I am on my way.

In November 2014 my doll club, The Indy Cloth Dollmakers, held out annual show and sale. It was a very productive day and we hit our record of visitors. So much so that we have out grown our venue. We will be moving our sale to avenue close to where we have had it for the past several years. I will post info when the time for the show arrives.

Ii am so excited about attending a retreat in March at Threads of Time in Danville Il. I will be working on a small civil war quilt this time.It has been ages since I have made a quilt, I sure hope it turns out decent! Lol...Last time I attended a retreat at Threads Of Time I finished up a little woodland elf.
Well, that;s about all I have to share today! More later!

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